When Justice Wears A Mask... Justice Is Probably Ugly.



Plot Synopsis: La Mano Negra, a mad scientist determined to control the world, must first get rid of his masked enemy, the famous wrestler Blue Demon. The evil doctor sends masked midget assassins to the wrestling ring, but their bullets cannot destroy Blue Demon. La Mano Negra increases the power of each of his assassins to that of "ten athletes" and gives them bracelets that he can recharge as their energy fails in battles with Blue Demon and the other masked Luchadores including Mil Màscaras, Tinieblas, La Sombra Vengadora, Black Shadow, El Rayo de Jalisco, El Fantasma Blanco, El Avispòn Escarlata, and Superzan. When five contestants from the Miss Mexico beauty pageant are kidnapped, the wrestlers get really angry and go in search of the mad scientist's hideout, fighting all the way.